Jumat, 18 Januari 2013

Belanja Online Aman

Saat ini, banyak pengguna internet diberikan kemudahan dalam jual beli online. Dimana pun kita memiliki akses komputer dan internet, kita bisa melakukan browshing mencari produk atau jasa yang kita inginkan. Dengan alasan kemudahan, kenyamanan, banyak orang di Indonesia sudah mulai memilih melakukan pembelian secara online. Namun akhir-akhir ini sering terdengar disekitar kita bahwa belanja online itu tidak meyakinkan. Masyarakat kadang berfikir bahwa barang yang didapat dari belanja online tidak seperti gambar barang yang ada. Untuk menghindari hal yang tidak menyenangkan, misalnya penipuan atau kualitas barang yang dikirim tidak sesuai dengan apa yang kita harapkan, dan resiko lain maka kita harus berhati-hati dalam memilih toko online yang berkualitas seperti toko online mahasiswa yaitu Pojok Kampus . Di dalam toko online tersebut terdapat berbagai macam barang.
Selain kita harus cermat memilih toko online kita juga harus pintar meneliti terlebih dahulu apakah toko online tersebut pernah melakukan penipuan atau tidak. Sekian saran saya untuk memilih toko online yang lebih berkualitas.

Minggu, 01 Januari 2012


Nama :Reni Setianingrum
NIM :10305141006

Eartquake happened at May 27 2006 in Yogyakarta. And we know there are many victims at Bantul. The goverment given money to repaired house. But before victims have money, the goverment came to house to check part of house were broken.
So how much money 2500 victims get if one person have Rp 50.000,00 ??
And how do you manage the money to repaire your house?

If oneperson get Rp 50.000,00 so 2500 victims get
Rp 50.000,00 x 2500 = Rp 125.000.000,00

In my family we got Rp 300.000,00 so we must buy sand, and cement to repaired fence. So to manage the money, we must put fence around my house without artisan.
I bought 1 truck of sand and 10 sack of cement to repaired it. If the price of 1 sack cement are Rp 25.000,00 so the price of 10 sacks of cement are
Rp25.000,00 x 10= Rp 250.000,00
And the price of 1 truck of sand are Rp 75.000,00
So totaly are Rp 250.000,00+ Rp 75.000,00= Rp 325.000,00
I just to spend money Rp 35.000,00

Rabu, 14 Desember 2011

Developing ICT for Primary and Secondary Mathematics Teacher Professional Development: The Use of Video in Lesson Study

Ditulis oleh : Mr. Marsigit

Oleh : Reni Setianingrum(10305141006)

Penggunaan video tape recorder (VTR) adalah salah satu aspek pengembangan ICT untuk menunjang pengembangan guru profesional. Melalui kegiatan Pelajaran Studi, beberapa guru bahasa memiliki pengalaman untuk mencerminkan ajaran mereka melalui VTR. Guru mata pelajaran lainnya dapat mempraktikan cara mengajar matematika yang baik dalam konteks yang berbeda melalui VTR, karena hal ini terbukti jelas mendorong dan memotivasi guru untuk meningkatkan kompetensi mengajar mereka.

VTR (Video Tape Recorder) untuk guru di Matematika Pendidikan, khususnya untuk mengembangkan studi pelajaran memiliki beberapa manfaat sebagai:
a) ringkasan pendek dari pelajaran dengan penekanan pada masalah utama dalam pelajaran, b) komponen pelajaran terutama peristiwa di kelas, dan,
c) kemungkinan masalah untuk diskusi dan refleksi dengan guru untuk mengamati pelajaran (Isoda, M., 2006).
Pembelajaran dibagi menjadi tiga bagian:
a) perencanaan pelajaran,
b) bagian observasi, dan,
c) bagian diskusi dan refleksi.

Strategi Pelaksanaan Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi (TIK) ke dalam Pendidikan Matematika dapat dikembangkan dalam upaya ekstensif dalam mempromosikan pengembangan guru profesional. Strategi untuk memberikan visi yang luas pada penggunaan TIK dan pengenalan sistematis ke daerah pendidikan yang berbeda dapat mempertimbangkan bidang-bidang berikut pendidikan:
(1) hubungan antara masyarakat dan pendidikan; (2) kehidupan di sekolah;
(3) isi dan metode pendidikan;
(4) Ketentuan untuk peralatan komputer dan alat bantu pembelajaran,
(5) peran guru dan kualifikasi;
(6) hubungan antara ilmu pengetahuan dan pendidikan;
(7) pengelolaan dan pendanaan ICT implementasi. Pelatihan guru dalam hal ICT merupakan salah satu bagian yang paling penting. (Informacijos 2000 di
Dagiene, V., 2003).

Rabu, 07 Desember 2011

"Pembelajaran Matematika Berbantuan Kalkulator"

Written by:
Dr. Marsigit, M.A

Concluding remark
By: Reni Setianingrum(10305141006)

Calculator is important in developed countries to learning mathematics. Calculator usualy use in elementary school, junior high school, senior high school, and public.
from the research we know that purpose use caculate are
1. The graping caculate is useful to match and determine the garaph
2. The graping caculate is useful to match and find of the answer the set of completion
3. The graping calculate give people experience about the graph
4. we can finish the problem of equation and inequalities mathematics
5. Calculate can accelerate calculation
6. The student don't use the graping calculate
7. Because garping calculate, mathematics is very easy and fun
8. But if we always use calculate, we can be lazy

Kamis, 24 November 2011


Written by:
Dr. Marsigit, M.A

Concluding remark
By: Reni Setianingrum/1030141006

KTSP is ciricullum in education level. KTSP arranged and implemented by education's institution. KTSP developed suit committee in the school and department of education in the district.

That is the contents and standard competation of garduation and then the manner of make a curiculum:
1. KTSP concentrateon in requirement, potential, and benefit from student and environment.
2. KTSP is various, and integrated
3. KTSP is same with how student need
4. KTSP must comprehensive
5. Study for long time
6. KTSP must balanced between the benefit to district and the benefit to national.

The contents in KTSP can be developing from subject of the lesson, includes
1. Group of religion lesson
2. Group of nationality lesson
3. Group of knowledge and technology lesson
4. Group of sport lesson


Written by:
Dr. Marsigit, M.A

Concluding remark
By: Reni Setianingrum

KTSP is ciricullum in education level. KTSP arranged and implemented by education's institution. KTSP developed suit committee in the school and department of education in the district.

That is the contents and standard competation of garduation and then the manner of make a curiculum:
1. KTSP concentrateon in requirement, potential, and benefit from student and environment.
2. KTSP is various, and integrated
3. KTSP is same with how student need
4. KTSP must comprehensive
5. Study for long time
6. KTSP must balanced between the benefit to district and the benefit to national.

The contents in KTSP can be developing from subject of the lesson, includes
1. Group of religion lesson
2. Group of nationality lesson
3. Group of knowledge and technology lesson
4. Group of sport lesson


Written by:
Dr. Marsigit, M.A

Concluding remark
By: Reni Setianingrum

KTSP is ciricullum in education level. KTSP arranged and implemented by education's institution. KTSP developed suit committee in the school and department of education in the district.

That is the contents and standard competation of garduation and then the manner of make a curiculum:
1. KTSP concentrateon in requirement, potential, and benefit from student and environment.
2. KTSP is various, and integrated
3. KTSP is same with how student need
4. KTSP must comprehensive
5. Study for long time
6. KTSP must balanced between the benefit to district and the benefit to national.

The contents in KTSP can be developing from subject of the lesson, includes
1. Group of religion lesson
2. Group of nationality lesson
3. Group of knowledge and technology lesson
4. Group of sport lesson